Prestonfield House

Prestonfield House
©2022 Gazetteer for Scotland

Prestonfield House

Prestonfield House is located to the south of Holyrood Park in Edinburgh, a half-mile (1 km) southwest of Duddingston. It was built in 1687 by Sir William Bruce (1630 - 1710), the King's Architect, for Sir James Dick, a Lord Provost of the city, and was a replacement to the previous house which was burned down by demonstrators during the "No Popery Riot" of 1681. The gables exhibit a Dutch influence.

The house was visited by Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-84) in 1773. Since 1958 it has been a hotel and a proportion of its grounds form Prestonfield golf course. The hall is decorated with Dutch and Flemish paintings, while the Leather Room has red leather embossed panelling which was made in Spain.

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