Devil's Beef Tub

(Marquis of Annandale's Beef Stand)

A historical perspective, drawn from the Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland: A Survey of Scottish Topography, Statistical, Biographical and Historical, edited by Francis H. Groome and originally published in parts by Thomas C. Jack, Grange Publishing Works, Edinburgh between 1882 and 1885.

This edition is copyright © The Editors of the Gazetteer for Scotland, 2002-2022.

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Annandale's Beef-Stand, Marquis of, or Devil's Beef Tub, a strange conchoidal hollow in Moffat parish, Dumfriesshire, 5 miles NNW of Moffat town. It lies near the source of Annan Water, just off the pass of Erickstane Brae from Annandale into Tweeddale, and to the N is overhung by Great Hill, 1527 feet high. ` It received its name, ' says the Laird of Summertrees in Scott's Redgauntlet, ` because the Annandale loons used to put their stolen cattle in there; and it looks as if four hills were laying their heads together to shut out daylight from the dark, hollow space between them. A deep, black, blackguard-looking abyss of a hole it is, and goes straight down from the roadside, as perpendicular as it can do, to be a heathery brae. At the bottom there is a small bit of a brook, that yon would think could hardly find its way out from the hills that are so closely jammed around it. ' At the bottom also is a martyred Covenanter's grave; and its second alias, ` MacCleran's Loup, ' records the escape of a Highland rebel in the '45, who, wrapped in his plaid, rolled like a hedgehog down the steep declivity amid a shower of musketballs-an incident Scott used in his romance (Lander's Scottish Rivers, ed. 1874, p. 37).

An accompanying 19th C. Ordnance Survey map is available, or use the map tab to the right of this page.

Note: This text has been made available using a process of scanning and optical character recognition. Despite manual checking, some typographical errors may remain. Please remember this description dates from the 1880s; names may have changed, administrative divisions will certainly be different and there are known to be occasional errors of fact in the original text, which we have not corrected because we wish to maintain its integrity. This information is provided subject to our standard disclaimer

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