James Ballantyne 1772 - 1833 References and Further Reading Lang, Theo (ed.) (1952) The Queen's Scotland: Edinburgh and the Lothians. Hodder and Stoughton, London Use the tabs on the right of this page to see other parts of this entry Related Entries There are 14 related entries. (5 Attractions, 1 Family, 3 Features, 3 People and 2 Settlements) Names that are not linked do not currently contain any information. Attractions: Canongate Church Canongate, The Lawnmarket St John's Cross Writers' Museum, The Families: Ballantyne Features: Newington University of Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station People: John Ballantyne Archibald Constable Sir Walter Scott Settlements: Edinburgh Kelso
There are 14 related entries. (5 Attractions, 1 Family, 3 Features, 3 People and 2 Settlements)
Names that are not linked do not currently contain any information.
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