King James I

1394 - 1437

Scottish monarch. Born in Dunfermline, and held prisoner for 18 years in England. A large ransom was demanded, and although James was released in 1423, a number of Scottish nobles were held awaiting completion of the payments. James was shocked at the state of the country he found when he returned to Scotland. This resulted in considerable turbulence involving the execution of various powerful nobles as James settled scores and confirmed his power. He was crowned at Scone (1424) and renewed the Auld Alliance with France (1428). He founded a Carthusian monastery in Perth in 1429, the only one in Scotland.

James became increasingly unpopular as he confiscated estates and began a half-hearted war with England which, despite significant provocation, he refused to pursue.

He was murdered by two of his nobles while staying at Blackfriars Monastery in Perth and was buried in his Carthusian church nearby.

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