Pioneering printer. A somewhat obscure Edinburgh bookseller, Myllar formed a partnership with the successful merchant and courtier Walter Chepman (c.1473 - c.1528) giving rise to the Southgait Press, the first printing firm in Scotland. While Chepman brought money to the venture, Myllar brought expertise, having learned the craft of printing in Rouen (France) around 1505. He imported both experienced artisans and a printing press from France to their premises in Edinburgh's Cowgate. With the support of William Elphinstone, Archbishop of Aberdeen (1431 - 1514), the Southgait Press was granted a patent by King James IV (1473 - 1513) for the printing of liturgical works, law books and Acts of Parliament. The Southgait press printed at least twelve books in its first year but their most notable production was the Aberdeen Breviary (1510). They also printed The Wallace by Blind Harry (c.1440-92) and a collection of poems, including works by Robert Henryson (1425 - 1508) and William Dunbar (c.1460 - c.1520).
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