Bowling or Bowling Bay, a locality in Old Kilpatrick parish, Dumbartonshire. Including a narrow strip of level ground along the Clyde, overhung by the picturesque acclivities of the Kilpatrick Hills, it stands at the western end of the Forth and Clyde Canal, on the road from Glasgow to Helensburgh, and on the Glasgow, Dumbarton, and Helensburgh railway, 3½ miles ESE of Dumbarton. At it are the terminal lock of the canal, two landing places for steamers, a long range of wooden wharfs, a large embanked pool for berthing steamers in winter, a shipbuilding yard, a railway station, two inns, a post office under Glasgow with money order, savings' bank, and telegraph departments, and a public school, which, with accommodation for 130 children, had (1879) an average attendance of 118, and a grant of £117. Pop. (1871) 799, (1881) 815
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the 1880s; names may have changed, administrative divisions will certainly be
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text, which we have not corrected because we wish to maintain its integrity.
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