Boyndie Wind Farm

(Boyndie Airfield Wind Farm)

Located on the site of the former RAF Banff in Aberdeenshire, Boyndie Wind Farm is located 1½ miles (2.5 km) west of Boyndie and 2 miles (3 km) southeast of Portsoy. The farm was commissioned in 2006 at a cost of £15 million. It comprises seven Enercon E70 turbines, with a blade diameter of 70m (230 feet) and hub height of 65m (213 feet) giving a height to blade-tip of 100m (328 feet). Each delivers 2 MW of power. The farm was extended in 2010 by adding a single 2.3 MW turbine, with a height to blade-tip of 113m (370 feet),.giving a total output for the farm of 16.3 MW. The wind turbines start generating electricity at wind speeds of about 3 m/s and generate their maximum output at 13 m/s. but will continue to generate safely at wind speeds of up to 28 m/s.

The developer was West Coast Energy for Falck Renewables (now Nadara), which owns and operates the farm and turns over a proportion of the annual profits for a community fund. The local Boyndie Wind Farm Co-op bought a minority stake in the farm soon after it was built. The Copenhagen-based investment fund PensionDanmark took a 49% share in this wind farm in 2014.

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