Climate Information for Dundeugh

Climate Description:

Winters in Dundeugh are usually cool for Scotland, with January daily temperatures of about 6.4°C and nights cooling off to 1.1°C in the coldest month. Summers are warm, with daytime temperatures in July typically reaching 18.5°C and nights dipping to 10.9°C. Rainfall in Dundeugh is high, totalling 1230 mm in a typical year. Precipitation is distributed evenly, falling over about 176 days per year. Dundeugh has average sunshine totals, with 1320 hours of sunshine recorded in a typical year.

Climate Averages:

JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecAnnual Average
High Temperature (°C)
Low Temperature (°C)
Sunshine (hours per day)

JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecAnnual Total
Sunshine (hours per month)4267961471951651601571158453391320
Precipitation (mm)1248910174677283971031381411411230
Days with Precipitation181416131112121414181717176
Days of Air Frost10107410000251049

Temperature Chart:

Precipitation Chart:

Sunshine Chart:

Please note that the information on this page describes long-term climate averages and cannot be relied upon for predictions of the weather. While every effort has been made to produce the best climate estimates possible, users should be aware that they may contain errors. Further explanation is available about our climate information, how the data was derived, estimates of error, and details about the original data sources.

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